
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When Dew Drops Go Splat

I almost didn't do this post, but decided what the heck. First of all, let me say that this mani was beautiful and exactly as I imagined it. But, it was not photogenic at all. In my attempt to make it look better for the camera, I ruined it and immediately took it off and repainted my nails in just the plain polish (well, if you could call this polish plain).

There are basically three reasons that I am doing this post:

1. This Julep polish is beautiful (in my eyes).
2. It was a pretty neat symbolic idea.
3. In my art teaching career (scads of years) I always shared with students any downfalls that I had when working up an assignment. 

 Julep's Etta is a metallic peridot color. I could be that metallics just don't work well with what I was trying to do. I still consider myself a beginner and learn new things about what works and doesn't work constantly.

My idea was to put a medium matte topper on it (China Glaze's Matte Magic) and then to take my dotter tool to make very small dots to look like dew drops. I thought the shiny versus semi matte would give a jewell sparkle effect. And it did in real life. But, it Etta has a slight texture to it and the camera (or the photographer?) was having trouble with surface reflection of the base texture versus the applied texture. Hope that makes sense.

In an attempt to make my dots look bigger for the camera, I created something in the end that looked likes warts on a toad's back; not very great looking!

I hope you enjoyed this not so very successful design idea. 

A Word About Julep

I have read my share of bad Julep reviews on other blogs. So far, I have not had any problems with their program. But, the Maven has to take the responsibility of notifying the company if she does not want the monthly box.

The monthly choice email always comes on the 20th and you have four days to let them know if you do or do not want any box. I always do it the day I get the email. I know pretty quickly if I love something or if I can pass it by. I have only purchased two boxes since my membership started.

But I have given both my daughter and sister a box for their birthdays and they loved them. And Julep knows how to make you feel special. If you have ever unwrapped one of their boxes, you know what I am talking about.

Personally, I think the Julep polish is a bit overpriced. That is why I always wait for a sale. There is no shipping so the price you see is the price you pay. That, I love. And I have not had a trouble with quality issues. I think they perform nicely in application and lasting ability.

The polishes are not cutting edge, just strong creams, shimmers, metallics, and glitter toppers. But there are plenty of other places to get cutting edge polishes. ETSY is full of them.

I do a lot of nail art, so basic colors are always good for me. And Julep is Vegan and cruelty free. That is a lot in my book. A lot of the polishes companies who use to be cruelty free have been bought up by larger companies that aren’t. And this China thing, I am not even going to get in that.

So there it is in a nutshell. I will stay with Julep for a while. It isn’t costing me anything and just gives me more choices in feeding my obsession.

That's it this time. So until next time and I hope today brings you a beautifully polished life.......Terri

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