
Monday, September 2, 2013

Inspired By Turquoise

This is another post that I am bringing over from the Journal. Last Fall when I finally really fell for nail design, what was new for me was sometimes old hat for others. Crackle polish is an example was this. Although, I now know that crackle is not favored anymore, it has (I feel) laid the path for the incredible textures that are going on this Spring. I think it has value in color layering designs. I think silver on top of certain colors can be beautiful. This is one of my interpretations of that. And I can tell you now that there is a new idea going on in my head about a summer design using crackle. Enough said, here is the post.

It was time for a new manicure. Two objects inspired me; a necklace that I finally got strung and a modern lace bracelet. 

I fell in love with these cubed semi precious stones, but they sat for two years in my bead collection. Last month,  I finally bought a silver toggle and made the necklace. 

As mentioned, the second color inspiration was the beautiful modern lace bracelet that I got for Christmas from my daughter (shown below). She is a fiber artist and makes these on the side. She has a different color combination available for purchase in her Shop.

The Manicure

Base Coat: Teal or No Teal-Wet N Wild-got at CVS for $1.99
Top Coat-Silver Shatter-OPI-got at TJ Maxx for $4
Edge Tip-Sexy In Stilettos-Chi-got at Tuesday Morning for $2.99

The lace bracelet-This color combo is called Atomic Ranch-right up my alley
Have you notice that TJ and Tuesday Morning have their polishes up by the check out? It's like when you have kids and the candy bars. I stand there waiting and find myself looking at polish. One usually ends up in my basket. Fortunately, lately they haven't received new merchandise in the polish department and I have been fairly safe.

Close up of lace

That sums this design up. Usually, the nail designs that I do have a context with something. So I guess, I really don't know where that puts me as a nail blogger. I am not that much of a polish swatcher, except on my reference collection wheels. My family thinks this is probably a tad eccentric.  I record every new color on a color family wheel. I always know what I have without having to rummage through bottles. Does anyone else do this?

So until next time and I hope tomorrow brings you a beautifully polished life.......Terri

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