
Monday, September 1, 2014

Caité's Beach House-Last Party and Off to School

It's Labor Day here in the states so Summer is unofficially over and so are the posts on Caité's Beach House. How I wish I had found this set back in June!


Raspberry Collins

Not only does this sound like delicious cocktail, but it is my favorite shade in the group. A thick cream, Raspberry Collins is a deepen pink with violet undertones. 

I didn't do any nail art with this color, just coordinated shoes and a pedi for it. 

Beach Bum

Beach Bum, also a thick cream, the neutral of the group and  not a particularly distinguished shade. I have similar shades to Beach Bum in my stash. But it made a great backdrop for my Preppy Design. 

And The Nail Art 

A couple of my inspirations for the Preppy Look was a puppy tie (I need to make Niko one of these!) and a Brooks Brother's tie.

The ivory stripe down the center of my nails is The New Black's Ivory Tusk from the Safari set. I guess I will be going on a Safari in a little while!

Well, that it for this time, and until next time, Take Care.........Terri


  1. I will have to say that I am impressed by the consistent quality these lacquers had. They were not to thin nor not to thick. And quite honestly, Off Shore is one the the best blues I have. It will probably be popping up here and there.

  2. Very nice! I love your striped nail art! Looks amazing!

  3. Thank you, Lady....I am really going to try and do more nail art this year.

  4. These are the shades I love the most in this set. The pink and the sandy one. And I've already told you, but I really loved the way you matched hands and feet and shoes <3
