Sunday, November 15, 2015

Zoya's Marion-Swatching My Stash

Hello All You Nailistas Out There. 

I'm back with another stash swatch . This time it is only one polish because Marion deserves to be all by herself. Well that's IMO, of course. 

If you live in the states (and now Canada, I think) Zoya comes up with some pretty sweet deals as far as surprise packages. Marion came in one this Summer. She was part of a mystery trio and cannot be found on Zoya's site (I tried). 

To start out, you must know that I love, love, love duochromes. And I love taking pictures of duochromes. 

So here is just a few to let you know how gorgeous this lady is. She changes from a violet to a silvery green and with a lot of shimmer to help. 

The silver green really show up here. 


You are going to see something different every time you take a different look at Marion.

A little more purple this time. 

A macro showing the color change.

I was wearing Marion when I found La Croix's newest addition to their flavored water. This one is a Blackberry/Cucumber mix and I absolutely love it!

I have two other Zoya duochromes; Adina and Ki. Marion is on shimmer overdrive compared to these two!

So that it for today. Did anyone else go for this mystery trio and did you like them. 

And until next time, my friends take care and think Shiny. 
