Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hard Candy Toppers-Part 2-Mom And Pop



Hard Candy's Mom And Pop

Mom And Pop's glitters are all the same size. On my glitter size range, I would say they are small. The colors in the mixture are, white, pink, peach, light mint green, yellow, and holographic. Quite a lovely mix. And the holo makes it sparkle. 

Hard Candy can only be found at Wall-Mart stores and is $4 a bottle.

Zoya's Neely  

Neely was part of Zoya's 2013 Lovely collection. Neely is a light mint cream that easily becomes opaque with two coats. Neely is still available on Zoya's site.

As there was such a variety of colors in the glitter itself, I decided to go with a base color that was close in shade and color. And I am quite happy with my choice. 

With An Added Matte Top Coat

I was substitute teaching on the last two days I wore this mani. I didn't want the holo glitter to distract the students. So I decided to try a matte topcoat. It just took the holo effect of the glitters and they still had some shine to them and I thought the overall effect was very pleasing. But, I know that I am fond of matte looks. 

With The Matte Topper
Well, That's it this time around, Take care.......Terri